Think About This


Colorado citizens of House District 29 need to reverse the course they are on. For too long we have kowtowed to the whims of the Democratic party — a party that ignores the sincere wishes of its constituents. It’s the Republicans who are for the working class and the downtrodden.


Colorado citizens of House District 29 — especially the unaffiliated — need to turnout in droves and vote Republican. We know and understand the “Unaffiliated” voter is disgusted by partisan politics. Most Coloradans are conservative by nature because they have common sense.


God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. Currently, Colorado state assembly politics does not reflect much sanity at all while they gorge themselves on bills designed to eat away our tax revenues while installing legislation that only benefits themselves or small, select groups. They do not represent the vast majority of the Coloradans in House District 29.


Here’s what you can do:

  • If you’re not registered to vote, visit and register today!
  • Get involved in your community.
  • Donate your time and resources to help Colorado Turn Around, Turnout, and Return To Sanity!