Key Issues


  • Retrieve Coloradans’ original Taxpayer Bill of Rights (TABOR) and protect our refunds.
  • Open our Oil and Gas Industry while fighting to preserve the environment and avoid disturbing Tribal Lands.
  • Slow the state budgetary process and give more of our money back to the people of Colorado.


  • Abolish all “Sanctuary” cities and counties.
  • Let police officers do their jobs.
  • Punish criminals and declare war on Fentanyl and Meth.
  • Show cartels zero support. Work towards ending ALL human trafficking.
  • Protect the Second Amendment.


  • Give back to parents the right to choose what their children are being taught.
  • End outrageously overpriced student loans.
  • Taxpayer money should follow students through whatever schools they attend – even for homeschooling.
  • Homeschooling parents should receive a tax credit for whatever their local district spends annually per student.


  • Infrastructure improvements and new construction should entertain open bidding to private companies as well as state-run agencies, thereby fostering healthy competition.
  • Hold the winning bid construction firm accountable with incentives to bonuses if the job is brought in on-time and under budget.
  • Ensure that elected or appointed officials do not sit on the governing boards of winning bid construction firms, or in any kind of legal or advisory capacity for a period of five years after completion of the project. 
  • Hold the government accountable so that infrastructure funds don’t get siphoned off to “pet” projects.
  • Explore the advent of a private sector funded “Ft. Collins to Pueblo” commuter rail system using existing trackage and rolling stock. No boondoggle high-speed rail fiascos that drain money and go nowhere.


  • No Coloradan should be mandated to be vaccinated, wear masks, or practice social distancing. No child should be forced to miss classroom instruction either.
  • Rid Coloradans of stifling regulations and encourage portability of health insurance between states.
  • Place honest and realistic caps on high-cost prescription drugs like insulin.
  • Evan Hunt personally believes in the sanctity of life but leaves the choice up to the women of Colorado.


  • Require county clerk recorders to clean up voter rolls.
  • Abolish computerized, internet-connected voting machines. Go back to single-day hand counting of ballots.